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In my Mailbox #4

12 Jun

Over the past three weeks I’ve received some really awesome books. Things have been slower book wise, compared to the insanity of BEA. But I am actually thankful for that! My TBR pile has taken over our dining room table, and is not dwindling anywhere near quickly enough. I’ve gotten some great books recently, including some highly anticipated sequels (a few that have cut to the front of the line in my TBR pile!).


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Supernaturally by Kiersten White (!!) and Hereafter by Tara Hudson. Via Harper Teen.

I’ve been waiting forever for Supernaturally. Reading it now, and of course, loving it. I’ve heard really good things about the ghost story in Hereafter as well!

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Forgotten by Cat Patrick, and Spoiled by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan. Via Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

Two more books I’ve heard some great buzz about. Forgotten is a mystery, and Spoiled is by the hilarious Fug Girls.

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Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma. Found @ Strand– over a week early!

Can’t wait to read this. And seriously, that cover is one of the most beautiful book covers I’ve ever seen.

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Starcrossed by Jospephine Angelini.

After reading an E-Galley, I really wanted a signed copy of this book. Sadly, the Dark Days of Supernatural tour isn’t coming anywhere near NYC. I’m not sure why big book tours keep neglecting the entire East Coast, but it’s pretty annoying! Luckily, Josie (who is amazingly nice) offered to sign a copy for me if I had it sent to her. Her signature is so cute:

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Not pictured: Hexed by Kevin Hearne


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National Geographic Complete Photography.

My Dad bought this for my 29th birthday last month. Since it was a special order, it just arrived this week! I can’t wait to read it.

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The Dud Avocado by Elaine Dundy. Via Paperback Swap.

I have been wanting to read this forever. It finally popped up on Paperback Swap this week—along practically with every other book I’ve ever requested (Of course they show up when I run out of credits). Summer seems to be popular with book swappers.

I’m really starting to feel like I need a clone, so I can read and review everything much faster! 😉

Thank you to Harper Teen, Little, Brown and Josephine Angelini for making my 4th edition of IMM AWESOME!

In my Mailbox #3

27 Mar

Most of the new releases I’ve pre-ordered come out next week, so I didn’t end up with very many new books for my third edition of IMM (hosted by The Story Siren). No video this time! Just a bit of text, and one very exciting photo:

I’m getting an early glimpse at Wolfsbane (with the original, much prettier cover!) thanks to a fellow blogger’s ARC tour. I’ve only read a few pages so far, but I’m already anxious to find out what happens in book two with Calla, Shay, and Ren!

I also received Bumped by Megan McCafferty, via NetGalley.

I’ve been a Megan McCafferty fan since way back when the first Jessica Darling book was released, so I’ve been looking forward to reading Bumped for quite some time. I’ve heard some mixed things, but good reviews are highly outnumbering the bad.

This week’s IMM might be short and sweet, but I’m glad to be able to read two very highly anticipated books from my TBR list!

In My Mailbox #2

13 Mar

After watching videos by some fellow bloggers, I decided to film my second “In my Mailbox” video. The results are pretty embarrassing. Watch me say how “excited” I am about 45 times in a row! Next time, I’m definitely going to do a test run. But I got some amazing books over the last month and a half, and I really am genuinely “excited” to read them. On the list: some of my most anticipated books of 2011, sequels I’ve been dying for, and some insane early releases I purchased at Strand:

In My Mailbox #1

9 Jan

Since I’m a bit new to book blogging, this is my first weekly post of what’s “In My Mailbox” ! Excited to be joining in this meme, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.

I hadn’t bought any books in quite a while, so I went a little nuts with my Amazon giftcard, and some money I got for Christmas.


Into the Wild Nerd Yonder by Julie Halpern. I’ve heard so many good things about this book. And a TV show based on the book is in the works.

Jane Eyre. I’m FINALLY going to read this this year!

This Year You Write Your Novel by Walter Mosley.

I already own an e-galley of Unearthly, but the hardback book is just too pretty to resist! I needed a physical copy to read.

I read The Sky is Everywhere on New Year’s day and bawled my eyes out. I loved it so much, I needed a physical copy of this too. I love the story, and the gorgeous colors of the cover!

Bloody Valentine by Melissa de la Cruz. Getting this book was a fiasco. One blizzard, two pre-orders, and two weeks of delays later, I finally got this book. I’m reading it now and loving every second of it.

I also picked up a few items from my wish list at Strand:
A handful of books I discovered via their glowing reviews on Goodreads and various book blogs.

Across the Universe
An ARC of Across the Universe by Beth Revis. From A Casual Reader.

The Lipstick Laws by Amy Holder

The Cellar by A. J. Whitten

The Diviner’s Tale by Bradford Morrow

(All 3 Via NetGalley)

My TBR pile is already out of control. But I’m pretty excited to read everything I got this week. A few of these will totally be moving to the front of my pile.